Tell Your Peeps!

In the spirit of Easter, RSIR is partnering with the YWCA to bring a little springtime cheer to the more than 1,000+ children in the Seattle, Snohomish & King County area who would love a visit from the Easter Bunny this holiday. Our goal is to fill 20 baskets and collect additional donated goodies to fill more if we’re able. With your generous support last year, RSIR was able to support 28 total baskets. Let’s break that record this year!

Help us Fill Baskets Monday, March 21st from 3-6pm @ the RSIR Seattle Office

Or, drop off items at ANY of our office locations by March 20th.

Each basket will make a difference to a child in need.  The YWCA opens doors to opportunity and self-sufficiency for women and families facing poverty, violence and discrimination. Their homeless shelters are a safe haven to the families they serve for up to 6 months and we hope to remind them of the life they are working so hard on getting back on track.

Sign up to build a basket
Purchase wish list items