
SIR.COM Wins WebAwards

We are proud to announce that the recently revamped Sotheby’s International Realty® website was recognized by the Web Marketing Association with the “2015 Outstanding Website WebAward” and by W3 with the “2015 W3 Gold Award.” With a great focus on creating the best possible user experience, the new sothebysrealty.com continues the brand’s tradition of revolutionizing Luxury Real Estate in the digital space.

The new design changes include an increased focus on full-screen, high-definition video throughout the site, from the homepage to property detail pages, to allow for a more immersive consumer experience. High-resolution photography also plays a more prominent role. The property detail pages feature: slideshows that tell a home’s story via the captions, custom video, location overviews that provide insight into the local area via video and text, and a seller or expert quote that offers a personal view of the property.

About Web Marketing Association: Since 1997, the Web Marketing Association’s annual WebAward Competition has been setting the standard of excellence for Website development. Independent expert judges from around the world review sites in 96 industries. The best are recognized with a WebAward which helps interactive professionals promote themselves, their companies, and their best work to the outside world.

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